Underwater photo competition closing soon
Mon 21 June
Underwater photo competition closing soon

The organisers of the Cairns Underwater Photo Competition have asked us to send out a final reminder that entries for the Comp close in just 12 day's time on 30 June, 2010.
The entry fee is $20 per entry, (not per photo).
There are four categories to in which to enter, Macro / Fauna & Flora / Man & the Sea / Young photographer, plus a Jury’s award for Best in Show.
There are some fantastic prizes to be won in each category including:
• Macro winner - 7 nights Dive package at Loloata Island Resort, PNG return flights included.
• Special Jury Award - 7 nights Dive package at Walindi Dive Resort, PNG return flights included.
• Fauna & Flora - 7 nights Coral Sea Safari with Mike Ball Expeditions
• Man & the Sea winner - 7 nights Coral Sea Safari with Mike Ball Expeditions
• Young Photographer 16 years and under - 1 Reef and Dive package for 2 persons on the Great Barrier Reef with Haba Dive plus a compact Camera / Housing package from Innovations Australia.
Winners will be announced and prizes awarded on 7 August, 2010 at Civic Theatre during the Cairns Underwater Film Festival.
For more information log on to Mike Ball for Submission Guidelines and Entry Forms.