Spielberg's dinosaur's may roam the Daintree
Mon 21 June
Spielberg's dinosaur's may roam the Daintree

Queensland's famous Muttaburrasaurus and Kronosaurus queenslandicus could be the latest Aussies to make it big in Hollywood if Steven Spielberg's upcoming dinosaur blockbuster is filmed in Australia, Tourism Minister Peter Lawlor said.
Mr Lawlor said news that the renowned director was thinking of choosing Australia as the setting for his upcoming movie 'Terra Nova' would be perfect for Queensland.
"There would be no better place to film Steven Spielberg's new dinosaur movie than in the oldest continent on Earth, which is home to the oldest rainforest on earth and the World-Heritage listed Riversleigh Fossil Fields, home to some of the oldest and most famous dinosaurs on Earth," Mr Lawlor said.
"I'm sure if Mr Spielberg chose Queensland as the location for Terra Nova, our famous dinosaurs Muttaburrasaurus and Kronosaurus queenslandicus would make fabulous movie stars."
Mr Lawlor said Muttaburrasaurus and Kronosaurus queenslandicus were already fa mous here with their own life-size reproductions in the Outback Queensland towns of Muttaburra and Richmond.
Muttababurrasaurus was a herbivore that lived 120 million years ago, was up to two metres tall and 12 metres long, while Kronosaurus queenslandicus is thought to be the largest marine reptile on earth, with its head alone reaching 2.7 metres in length.
"I'm sure both of these prehistoric giants would love to star in Mr Spielberg's upcoming movie - after all they've already been famous for millions of years and would add to the number of Aussies making it big in Hollywood," Mr Lawlor said.
"It would give me great pleasure to invite Mr Spielberg and his location scouts to Queensland to audition Muttaburrasaurus and Kronosaurus queenslandicus in person and visit a range of other significant prehistoric sites such as the World Heritage-listed Riversleigh Fossil Fields and Daintree Rainforest, which is the oldest rainforest on the planet."
Of course it won't be the first time Steven Spielberg has used Australia for film locations. He and his production crew spent almost 8 months based in Port Douglas during the making of the recent TV Hit mini-series 'Pacific'.
Mr Spielberg will know that the facilities offered in the Far North are extremely professional and his visits to the Daintree Rainforest whilst he was here probably had a hand inspiring the choosing of his next project.
Editors comments: We look forward to welcoming him again, maybe we could entice him to do a 'minute with Newsport'!