SIDS for Kids Cane Toad races this Sunday
Fri 25 June
SIDS for Kids Cane Toad races this Sunday

A fundraiser for SIDS and Kids will be held from 4pm to 8pm this Sunday 27 June at the Ironbar in Macrossan Street.
The Ironbar is home to the popular nightly Cane Toad races, and they're generously donating their iconic venue for this event, giving locals and visitors to Port a chance to hop in for as long as they like and catch some of the action.
Races will be held every 20 minutes or so from 4pm, and thanks to Haba and Hartley's, reef trips and croc passes will be up for grabs making it a win-win for race goers and SIDS for Kids.
"The toad races are great fun regardless of your age, and we're encouraging as many families and groups of friends to get along as possible." said event organiser, Joni Bennett. "Port Douglas is renowned for getting behind a great cause, so we're hoping to see lots of locals there as well as tourists to our town."
Sadly each year over 4,300 babies and children die suddenly and unexpectedly from sudden infant death syndrome, stillbirth, fatal sleeping accidents and accidental death. Over 50% of these deaths still have no known cause.
SIDS and Kids is dedicated to saving the lives of babies and children during pregnancy, infancy and childhood through ongoing research, they also provide bereavement counselling, and rely almost totally on community support.
Entry to the SIDS for Kids Cane Toad races at the Ironbar is just $5, and all funds raised on the day will go to this worthy charity.
Remember, you can't spell fundraiser without fun! (Gold!)