Nanna's exhibition launch

Fri 25 June

Nanna's exhibition launch

by Mat Churchill

Nanna Soderstrom's 'Beyond Philosophy' photographic exhibition which opened at the Tanks Arts Centre in Cairns last week has been described as "gorgeous" by curator Chris Stannard.

Around 50 people gathered at the launch to hear Chris talk highly of Nanna's approach to her art. "It's really humbling to work with someone whose pursuit of perfection is so strong.

Not only in the production value of the work and the aesthetic value, but in her pursuit of the perfect moment, which is what I think her work does." he said.

"I remember, I think we all have memories, probably childhood memories of gazing through the bottom of a drinking glass or some other transparent object with lens like properties, turning it around between your fingers until you're no longer looking at, say a man on a beach, but you're looking at the image of a man on a beach.

And the image no longer means "man on a beach" it just means light and colour and pure beauty. This is the kind of perfect image that Nanna's photographs approach."

Nanna's free exhibition, which runs until 15 July, provides an insight into her take on the tropical environment. So take this opportunity to visit the Tanks Arts Centre and support this talented local artist.