iPad coming to Port Douglas
Tue 1 June
iPad coming to Port Douglas

By Mathew Churchill
As more and more people turn to non-traditional mediums like newspaper websites, and social commentary blogs to get their daily news, another phenomenon has hit Australia that will accelerate this trend even faster.
The iPad, Apple’s new tablet computer designed for internet browsing, media consumption, and game playing, has taken the world by storm with sales exceeding all of Apple’s expectations and causing delays of two weeks or more as buyers clamber to be one of the first to own the new technology.
It seems amazing that only a few years ago we were viewing the Harry Potter movies and dreaming of the day when our daily newspapers would also have moving pictures within the stories. Well without the help of magic, newspapers such as The Age and The Australian will be offering versions of their daily newspapers with search menus, zoom, video and the capacity to share articles by email.
The Age editor-in-chief Paul Ramadge, says that devices like the iPad could very well become the most popular way of accessing news in the future. "I do think that there is a generation or more growing up that is not paper literate, they are screens people, and I think this will appeal to them." he said.
tourismportdouglas.com.au has also embraced the iPad after seeing the potential for local businesses to promote themselves using the cutting edge technology. “It’s important that we all move with the times in order to give our local businesses the best chance of competing with other tourist destinations the world over.” Josh McConnell, Online Business Manager for tourismportdouglas.com.au said.
“Once we receive our iPad we’ll be inviting people to come to our office and check it out for themselves.” he said.
Editors Comments: We've just received some breaking news from Jetstar on their use of the iPad. Jetstar are launching a new in-flight entertainment system featuring the new iPad tablet computer for a small in-flight rental charge. The program will roll out later this month (June) on selected domestic routes across Australia. The iPads will be loaded up with in-flight entertainment such as videos, e-books, magazines, games and music. It didn't take long for Jetstar to see the opportunities that the iPad present did it?