Carnivale 10 days or 4 days?

Tue 22 June

Carnivale 10 days or 4?

Since Carnivale 2010 ended it has become one of the hottest topics for discussion around town.  Should it remain in it’s current ten day format or should it revert to it’s 2005 four day format. 

From the conversations we’ve had, it would seem evenly split, so we thought we would ask you the local, visitor and industry member what you thought about the format of Port Douglas Carnivale for 2011 - Should Carnivale be a 10 day, or a 4 day festival?

Carnivale as we know it now was introduced in 2006 when M.A.D. (Managing Australian Destinations) took over the event organising, but prior to that it was the prospect of a 4 day full on long weekend that attracted the crowds.

So tell us what format you'd prefer by casting your vote by clicking on either the 10 day or 4 day button below.  Also please don’t hold back from having your say within the comments section below on why you've chosen your preferred option.

There's no doubting Carnivale has come an essential part of the fabric of Port Douglas, and the events on offer are a delight to attend. But in the end it's YOUR Carnivale, so let's hear what you've got to say.

Editors Comments: I thought Carnivale 2010 was a great success and congratulations should go to the organising team from The Chamber of Commerce for their efforts and achievements throughout the full ten days. 

My only concern on the subject of ten days was that my wife and I would like to have attended more events than we did but the overall cost, had we done so, would have totalled nearly $2,000 and that was just too much for us at this time of the year. 

However had some of the events been spread out throughout the year, we would undoubtedly go to them all.  And since some of them are not necessarily pure Port Douglas     Carnivale related events, it might encourage more visitors to come into town from regional and interstate towns throughout the year too.

Any comments that you post, we’ll be delighted to forward onto the Port Douglas Chamber of Commerce so they get as wide a voice of opinion as possible before they make their decisions for next year's Port Douglas Carnivale.