Business Focus – Port Douglas Paint & Panel
Fri 04 June
Business Focus – Port Douglas Paint & Panel

by Mat Churchill
Meet Daniel Rotolo, owner of Port Douglas Paint & Panel, a welcome new business operator to Port Douglas, and one whose blood runs Ferrari Red.
Newsport: Hi Daniel. Welcome to Port Douglas. When did you open Port Douglas Paint & Panel?
Daniel Rotolo: I opened up three months ago in the new industrial area in Craiglie.
NP: And where are you from originally?
DR: I grew up in Adelaide where I did my Panel Beating apprenticeship and worked for many years in the industry.
NP: I understand there’s a family tradition growing in the Panel Beating field.
DR: That’s right. My Dad is a Panel Beater and so is my uncle. I started helping Dad when I was 12 years old but all he’d let me do at the time was empty his bins and clean up around the garage. It wasn’t until I was 15 he’d let me get near a car. Since then I’ve built up 15 years of experience.
NP: So what makes your business unique?
DR: I tend to use different techniques, equipment, and materials than other businesses. I guess that stems from the training I’ve had down South.
NP: Do you have any special offers on at the moment for people to take advantage of?
DR: Next week we’re giving a free wax polish with every repair, and of course, all our work is guaranteed.
So if your car needs straightening out or a fresh coat of paint, contact Daniel on 4098 5678 or 0403 847 503.