Australian Bee Gees return to far north
Wed 16 June
Australian Bee Gees return to NQ

Returning to Vertigo Bar at The Reef Hotel Casino for four special nights this month, The Australian Bee Gees Show brings back their internationally acclaimed tribute act due to popular demand.
After the act's previous packed-house performances in the North, these run of dates promise to bring more of the iconic Bee Gees' greatest hits to old and new fans alike.
Dubbed as the next best thing to the original band, which fans can now only experience by watching DVDs of old performances, The Australian Bee Gees Show embodies the spirit the Gibb brothers took out on stage and traverses the high of their international and far reaching careers.
A contemporary representation of the One Night Only gig, the performances by the talented musicians in The Australian Bee Gees Show touch on all eras of the Bee Gees music, while still keeping as traditionally close to the original performances and vocals as possible. It is these ideals that have seen the show earn such acclaim and respect from hard-core fans, who would normally shun a tribute band, but instead have helped rank the show as one of the best in the world.
A testament to the success of the group is that they are now nearing a decade and a half of performances worldwide. Add to this that the band do not strictly impersonate the Bee Gees, but instead, while keeping closer to the traditional style of the original group inject their own personalities into the performances, it is no surprise to find that they play to stadium packed audiences internationally.
Bringing their show down to an intimate stadium experience at Vertigo Bar, The Australian Bee Gees Show will be highlighting the best Bee Gees songs such as I Started A Joke, To Love Somebody, Stayin Alive and Jive Talkin' to name a few. No matter what your musical preference, you simply can't miss this show.
This isn't about being a tribute band and mimicking musical icons, it is much more, and the musicianship and skill of the performers on stage make for a truly entertaining evening. For those who have been part of The Australian Bee Gees Show experience at Vertigo Bar & Lounge before, they know that the key is to get in early and get a good dancing spot, because chances are, if the audiences are the same as last year, late comers will be left standing outside the front door!
This is the ultimate Bee Gees experience, and the absolute next best thing to jumping in a time machine and heading back to the 1970s for the real deal.