Another Aussie singalong for New TA TV Ad

Fri 04 June

Another Aussie singalong for New TA TV Ad

by Mat Churchill

Tourism Australia has released the much anticipated 'There’s Nothing Like Australia' TV commercial at ATE in Adelaide this morning.  The ad, which is the second stage of the national campaign, features Australians singing along to a jingle at iconic places around the country. 


TA managing director Andrew McEvoy said the campaign, which also includes 12 key print areas, has cost more than $4 million.


“Australia’s a really simple idea for the world and we should be good at translating it simply,” he said.  He added that the campaign is expected to stand the test of time for up for 20 years, claiming it is “one for the ages”.


It will portray Australia as a “fresh, contemporary” destination. He denied the campaign was modeled on Tourism New Zealand 100% Pure Campaign.  TA’s Nothing Like Australia website went live this morning with an interactive map  featuring more than 30,000 submissions from the general public.  McEvoy said it translates well to foreign markets.  TA’s previous 'Where The Bloody Hell Are You' campaign was slammed for being offensive in some markets. 


TA’s executive general manager marketing Nick Baker said the campaign’s success will ultimately be judged on the level of engagement from industry partners. 


Baker said the next phase of the campaign will see international visitors to the country discuss their experiences when they return home.


Doug Ryan from TPPD spoke to The Newsport from the Australian Tourism Exchange (ATE) in Adelaide about the new Tourism Australian campaign ‘There’s nothing like Australia’.


“We’ve heard great feedback from wholesalers who are here from all over the world.” he said. “I think it (the campaign) has great connotations for our area and we plan to link in with it with a ‘There’s nothing like Port Douglas’ campaign.   


View Tourism Australia’s new ad;


This is one that did not make it:  


Editor Comments: My personal view is that photographically the advert is sensational.  Musically it is just another confirmation that whoever is putting these ads together has no idea of the markets he or she is trying to appeal to.  Europe left singalong adverts behind a long time ago and I don't think the US ever used them and as for Asia, who knows?. But hey, I hope it's the greatest success ever 'cos blatantly obviously what we're doing currently isn't working.  What do you think ?