A budget which builds tourism markets
Tue 15 June
A budget which builds tourism markets

An increased emphasis on attracting international visitors from the "big five" international markets will be a key focus in 2010-11, Tourism Minister Peter Lawlor announced today.
Mr Lawlor said the focus of $63.7 million tourism budget for the next financial year would be investment in activities targeting Queensland's five largest international markets - New Zealand, the UK, Japan, US and China.
"Tourism is one of Queensland's largest employers and our third highest export revenue earner. It has also been one of the industries hardest hit by the global financial crisis," Mr Lawlor said.
"Over the past 12 months Tourism Queensland has increased its focus on hard-hitting domestic marketing activity.
"This tactic was extremely successful but as we are now starting to see the first signs of global economic recovery, it's time to start ramping up our focus on key international markets.
"Thanks to the hugely successful Best Job in the World campaign, international awareness of Queensland is at an all-time high. Now is the time to start focusing more heavily on initiatives to encourage travellers to choose Queensland for their next overseas holiday."
Mr Lawlor said the investment in Queensland's "big five" international markets would cover:
* cooperative marketing campaigns with key partners
* working with travel trade
* publicity
* trade missions to help operators develop business contacts in market
* working with airlines to encourage new routes and increased capacity.
Domestically, in 2010-11 Tourism Queensland would continue its successful joint marketing activity with a range of industry partners to focus on both intra- and interstate travellers.
"During the past 12 months we have been aggressive in our marketing approach and instigated a range of hard-hitting tactical campaigns designed to drive bookings and put much-needed dollars straight into our tourism operators' pockets," Mr Lawlor said.
"Many of these campaigns were hugely successful and we will continue this approach next financial year."
Mr Lawlor said tourism's most ambitious and top secret project in 2010-11 would be a global re-branding project - to be launched later this year.
"Tourism Queensland's 'Where Else but Queensland' brand has served us well for more than a decade but it's time for a fresh new look," he said.
"Following on from the Best Job in the World, the world is watching Queensland to see what we come up with next.
"All I can say is watch this space."
Mr Lawlor said over the next year Tourism Queensland would continue to provide industry support through a range of additional activities including encouraging tourism operators to become more sustainable; provide tourism support for major events across the state; and encourage investment in new tourism product.
"The Bligh government made a commitment of $36 million over three years to assist the industry and this budget continues to deliver on that commitment" he said.
"More than 222,000 Queenslanders owe their living to tourism and the past 12 months have been challenging, this money will help ensure a more positive 2010-11."
Editors Comments: There's so many media releases coming out of the tourism offices one wonders when they ever get time to actually market tourism. In the five promotional areas mentioned in this release, I wonder who the key partners are and who it will be in the travel trade TQ will be working with 'cos if it's the same organisations as they are currently working with, nothing much is going to change is it? Any thoughts ?