Something for the kids at Tanks
Wed 14 July
Something for the kids at Tanks

Run out of ideas on how to entertain your kids? Well, if they're under five years old then Tanks Arts Centre in Cairns are running Artstart workshops sure to nurture their creativity through art and music.
And if your toddlers have energy to burn, there will be circus and other fun movement activities on offer during the nine week term.
Workshop organiser, Paul Barron, says the program has been running successfully for over a year, "We continually update and develop the program to make sure the kids are having fun, and trying some new tricks in a non-competitive environment."
"Justine Schilcht runs the activities and she's been part of the Northern Circus Alliance for many years and coordinates youth community circuses." he said.
So to strengthen your bond with your child and explore new ways of playing together through art, music, and movement contact Paul from Tanks Arts Centre on 4032 6627 or email
The entire term of fun which runs every Friday from 16 July to 10 September between 9.30am to 10.30am costs just $90.