Pro whaling countries harpooned

Mon 28 June

Pro whaling countries harpooned

by Mat Churchill


The bid from pro whaling nations to overturn a 24 year ban on commercial whaling has failed, but whales are still at risk from the well publicised 'scientific research' loophole that Japan uses to slaughter hundreds of whales each year.

Hideki Moronuki of Japan's Fisheries Agency said Japan's ''research programs'' would continue, prompting calls for Australia to seek an injunction on whaling until the International Court of Justice hears the case Australia launched against Japan. This case may take years to be heard.


There were claims that pro whaling nations were attempting to buy votes at the recent International Whaling Commission conference, with about two dozen developing nations having their presence at the IWC supported by Japan.


Patrick Ramage from the International Fund for Animal Welfare said there has been no progress in protecting whales. "Well, sadly, the reality in the water won't change for whales. There's a cooling off period for the bureaucrats at the IWC, but the whalers will remain in hot pursuit of their prey in the Southern Ocean, in the north Pacific and in the north Atlantic as well, with Iceland and Norway killing whales there."


Environment Protection Minister Peter Garrett announced a $32 million program designed to develop highlight the best non-lethal whale research.