Paradise Birdman may lose mate

Thur 8 July

Paradise Birdman may lose mate

by Mat Churchill

Davvyd Brown, better known as Paradise Birdman, is faced with the heart breaking decision to sell his Cockatoo, Henry, to avoid losing his house due to crippling interest rates.

A distraught Davvyd sees selling Henry as his only option, "I have tried all other options. For the last two years I've been trying to refinance to another bank . If I don't sell Henry then I will need to sell my house."

Davvyd and Henry can often be seen at the Court House Hotel and Meridien Marina getting photographs with the tourists, but he is struggling to get the support he needs to stay afloat. "It's a great disappointment. If I could get half a dozen gigs around town it would give me a chance to stay. We bring so much publicity to this town."

Henry has had an on-screen career many human actors would happy with. "He's starred in 10 movies including George of the Jungle 2, and around 70 television shows such as The World Around Us, the Beast and Master series, and has been on Good Morning Australia four or five times." Davvyd said. "He has also been the recipient of awards from Queensland Tourism."

Davvyd says he's not sure what his future holds but knows that if Henry goes he will lose a great friend, "Losing Henry will be like losing my arms, and for him it will be like losing his wings." he said.

Editors Comments: I've seen and heard Davvyd with his cockatoos, Henry and Nancy entertaining our visitors around town taking photos of them with the birds on their heads and their shoulders. 

It's always causes great excitement and loads of fun for the children.  And the souvenir photographs Davvyd organises must be wonderful momentos of their stay with us in Port. 

There is no doubt the town will be the poorer for this loss if Davvyd has to go through with his sale.  And I know the visitors will miss them too!