Meridien Marinas' corrosive seminars
Tue 13 July
Meridien Marinas' corrosive seminars

Meridien Marinas will be hosting two seminars on 9 and 10 August for marine users to get comprehensive information on the complex issue of electrolysis.
Not being a salty dog myself, electrolysis is apparently a common problem that affects all boats and marinas, not just excessively hairy people (Sam Cullen, I'm looking at you).
Marine Protection Systems (MPS) will be coming to Port Douglas to deliver the 45 minute seminars for Marina tenants, operators and berth holders, and will be providing information regarding electrolysis control and prevention devices.
Brett Maddern from MPS will be carrying out practical demonstrations, and is calling out for volunteers to get involved.
So if you are suffering from an electrolysis problem, don't be embarrassed, take the opportunity to have the industry's leading expert make an assessment and be the answer to your corrosive prayers.
If you or your crew are interested in attending a Marine Protection System Seminar, get in touch with Meridien Marinas Operations Manager, Steve Burcher by phone on 4099 5775, or email