Jim Turnour sees results
Mon 5 July
Jim Turnour sees results for tourism

According to a letter received at many Port Douglas homes last week, the hard work to stimulate the local economy and protect jobs put in by Federal member for Leichardt, Jim Turnour and his team is beginning to reap rewards.
Funding was secured to further support the local tourism industry and get flights coming back to Cairns. According to Mr Turnour's office 5,255 more airline seats have been secured each week in comparison to this time last year.
The tourism industry now just needs to consolidate it's efforts to get that capacity filled.
General unemployment in Cairns has dropped to 8.9% from 12.4% two months ago and if the national economy improves those figures would drop even further especially if confidence in the local building sector could be revitalised.
Mr Turnour is confident that with increased funding coming into the area, the region will continue on a positive course of improvement but there is still plenty to do. He is currently fighting for the reduction in landing charges at Cairns Airport to encourage even more flights to Cairns.
To contact Jim Turnour Ph: 1300 301 017 or visit www.jimturnour.com.au