Hundreds hop in to support SIDS and Kids

Tue 29 June

Hundreds hop in to support SIDS and Kids

Red Nose Day may have been on Friday, but it was Sunday's SIDS and Kids Cane Toad Races at the Ironbar which drew most of the attention, and raised $3,200 in the process.

Over 300 people of all ages came to watch local legendary race callers, Nicky G and Bruno Bennett, strut their stuff as they broke the golden rule of entertainment, never work with children or animals. On Sunday they did both as the family atmosphere attracted dozens of enthusiastic youngsters, all eager to get a close up look at the thoroughbred toads.

Toads whose names include Jerry Spring, Gay Freddo, and Camel Toad, were auctioned off at the beginning of each race, and contestants donned a red nose and a whip (party blower) to vie for fantastic prizes including Haba reef trips and croc passes to Hartley's.

Event organiser, Joni Bennett, said the event exceeded all expectations "This is another example of how the Port Douglas community really gets behind a good cause," she said. "There are literally hundreds of people who have donated their time, window space in their businesses, prizes, and also made the effort to come here to participate in order to make the event a success."

SIDS, or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, is a condition that strikes without warning leaving families to cope with the unexpected loss of their baby. Joni said the funds raised will make a difference, "All of this money will go towards striving for a SIDS free world, and help those who have lost children to SIDS with counselling and support."

In addition to the money raised on Sunday, Joni has also raised over $3,000 through donations made to her SIDS and Kids web page. "This page is still up and running so if you weren't able to attend on Sunday and would like to make a donation, go to"