Focus on the future of Australian tourism
Tue 6 July
Focus on the future of Australian tourism

Inspiring leadership and developing strategies to steer the tourism industry through economic uncertainty will be the focus of a national tourism forum held in Brisbane this week, Tourism Minister Peter Lawlor said today.
Mr Lawlor said the 2010 Tourism Futures conference, which was sponsored by Tourism Queensland, would bring together industry leaders that have either a direct or indirect role in tourism to collectively examine and respond to the issues influencing industry growth.
"Tourism Futures is the premier national conference for the tourism industry and is attended by industry leaders, policy makers, operators, tourism professionals and academics from across Australia and around the world," Mr Lawlor said.
"The theme of this year's event is 'Leaders Driving Innovation'.
"The agenda is forward-looking and provides delegates with the perfect forum to discuss market forecasts, trends and best practice information.
"The eighth annual Tourism Futures conference will be held over three days (5-7 July) at South Bank in Brisbane with keynote speakers providing an update on the current state of play, emerging trends and challenges facing the tourism industry, both domestically and abroad."
Mr Lawlor said the program would focus on creating opportunities for innovative leadership at every level.
"Discussions will centre on future-thinking concepts, including the development of indigenous tourism and the next generation of tourism experiences such as the 'floating (airborne) hotel concept'," he said.
"Speakers include Tourism and Transport Forum Chairman the Hon. Bruce Baird AM; Yahoo!7 CEO Rohan Lund; AirAsia X CEO Azran Osman-Rani; United Nations - World Tourism Organisation Secretary General Taleb Rifai; and visionary Design Director Nick Talbot.
"There aren't many times that our industry's key players, including tourism leaders, operators and government representatives, can come together at once, so events like this that are crucial in future development.
"Tourism Futures is a great opportunity to come together, review the challenges that lie ahead and develop responses that take advantage of the real opportunities."
Mr Lawlor said more than 350 delegates from across Australia, New Zealand and South-East Asia were expected to attend the conference.
The Tourism Futures Conference is a joint partnership between Tourism Australia and Tourism Queensland. For more information on the 2010 Tourism Futures national conference visit -
Editors Comments: Well the Minister seems to be saying all the right things, let's hope the message doesn't get lost in the distribution. It needs to be sent out to the right places and through the right delivery channels, otherwise there'll be no one to hear it.