Coral Sea fishing ban debate continues

Wed 21 July

Coral Sea fishing ban debate continues

by Mat Churchill

The Queensland fishing industry have reminded the Labor Government to consider regional voters' thoughts when deciding on a proposed Coral Sea conservation zone.


The PEW environmental group proposed the one million square kilometre marine park, stating it is needed due to the harm already inflicted on the Great Barrier Reef from commercial vessels that have run aground, and that the Coral Sea is "under pressure from tuna and billfish longlining and the other types of fishing.  Over 100 tonnes of sharks are caught each year."

Michael Gardner, from the Queensland Seafood Industry Association, said previous restriction on fishing have had many negative effects in fishing communities.


"Individuals, communities that were involved with the industry, not just fishermen but onshore businesses, went through financial hardship," he says.


"There were family breakups, divorces, there were actually cases of suicide that were recorded as well."


Member for Leichardt, Jim Turnour, believes the politics of the issue should be put aside, "I've said all along that the decision should be based purely on the science, not the politics and lobbying from fishing and conservation groups."


Environment Minister Peter Garrett is currently considering the proposal and a decision is expected next year.