A cleaner, greener Marina

Thur 22 July

A cleaner, greener Marina

by Mat Churchill

A new recycling program is about to be launched at the Meridien Marina which will allow boat and shop owners to lessen their environmental impact.

Steve Burcher of Meridien Marinas said the program is a collaborative effort between many stakeholders, "The Marina and Cairns Regional Council worked together and had great input from Tangaroa Blue Ocean Care Society, ACMAC, and Steve Edmondson from Sailaway.

"Up until this point there has been no real effective means for recycling (at the Marina)."

He also praised the Council for their leadership, "They've been fantastic right throughout the process and really gone the extra mile. Catrin Balk, the Council Project Officer, showed us ways we could partner with the Council, and they've provided the bins, signage, and removal services."

40 shops and 112 boats will be able to use the service which includes battery recycling, waste oil, and oily bilge water treatment. "The oily water in particular has been dreadful to deal with in the past. But now North Queensland Resources have solved that problem by being able to separate the oil from the water." Steve said.

The program, which kicks off on 28 July is just one of the initiatives being introduced by the Marina. A sewage treatment service is being planned to be in place in the next six months.


"Passengers on big boats can produce up to 2,000 litres of waste a day. Thanks to the good foresight of the previous council we have a plant that can handle salt water, so with the introduction of pumps at the fuel docks, boats will be able to dispose of their waste."

The recyclable material which includes glass, cardboard, paper, and plastic are collected and taken to Cairns, where it is sorted and bailed before being sent to specific contractors who reprocess the materials into new products.