What to do on Australia Day ?
What to do on Australia Day ?

OK, throughout last week we did our best to let you know about everything that is happening tomorrow in Port Douglas, Mossman and surrounding areas but just in case you haven't been around or you have been far too busy to make any plans, don't panic ! We have listed below everything we have been told about and some things we've just found out about. So check out the list, book your places and get your best Aussie clobber out of the closet 'cos the great day is here !
Cow Bay Hotel, Cape Tribulation Road - BBQ, live music, All families welcome starts at 10am Ph: 4098 9011
Port Douglas Combined Club - Coffee and cakes from 8am to watch start of 48th Annual Lowe Island Race. BBQ lunch, $500 Raffle, Great Aussie Games, Live Music by Eddie the Eagle. Ph: 4099 5553
Family Basket Picnic in the Park, George Davis Park, Mossman - A whole itinerary of family fun starting at 11.30am to 3.30pm. Loads of games, three legged races, potato races, sack races, egg and spoon races, comedy ball games, coo-ee competition and the Inaugural Australia Day Land Race plus much much more. No booking required just turn up and have fun.
The Court House Hotel at 10am is hosting the Newsport Subscription competition draw to see who has won the $1,200 worth of beach goodies (Kite board, lessons and Seafolly Swimwear voucher) as supplied by Windswell Kitesurfing and Tshinta swimwear. The lucky winner will be advised by the Australia Day Newsmail out. If you want to make sure you are in the draw for this fantastic package then come and see us at The Court House on Sunday Jan 24 from about 10am and we'll get you signed up absolutely free.
The Court House Hotel is then hosting a full day of Australia Day fun and games from midday with 5 DJs keeping the groove going 'til late.
Family Picnic Day at Port Douglas Community Sports Complex - opens at 9.00am. Come dressed in your best Aussie clobber and win fantastic prizes, Helicopter drop, kids games and races, Bike race down the Bump track, BMX and Skate ramp competition, Broom throwing, Tug of War, Three legged races, Gumboot throwing, Damper and Lamington cooking competition and lots more. Kids races start at 9.30am, adults events at 1.30pm. Registration opens at 8.30am Entry fee $2. All proceeds go to local Douglas Community Charities. For further details call Coral 4098 5452, Melinda 4098 8228 or Reanna 4098 1487. Just a word of warning, please remember the Council in it's infinite wisdom has dumped loads of sand all over the outfield so don't wear your best clothes and shoes 'cos they'll get ruined, just think of it as a big beach, it'll be great !
The Port Douglas Yacht Club has their annual Australia Day Party starting at midday, running right through 'til midnight with Triple J Hottest 100 broadcast and DJ Soljah and Dyls driving the beat 'til the close.
Paddys Bar, Port Douglas - This bar only re-opened on Thursday of last week and they are rocking already ! They are eager to see as many locals as possible spend Australia Day with a welcome from Steve, Elle and Steph. Wear you best Aussie gear and there'll be prizes all day with live music from Darwin guitar legend Grant Turismo moving on to DJ in the evening.
Editors comments: We all love a drink, but please remember it's a long day, it's a marathon not a sprint so drink responsibly, think of others and make sure everyone has the best Australia Day ever....Aussie, Aussie, Aussie......