Undie 500 runners to make briefs appearance
Undie 500 runners to make briefs appearance

This coming Sunday Port Douglas will once again be rallying support for one of it's own who is having a difficult time. The Undie 500 is the brain child of friends and family of long time local, Sue Polson who was diagnosed with a brain tumour six months ago and has recently undergone surgery from which she is now recovering in Townsville.
All the race competitors will be allowed to wear is their undies and lace up joggers of course. This innovative event has been organised to raise much needed funds to help Sue and her partner get through this traumatic post surgery period while she is recouperating in Townsville.
Competitors and their 'supporters' need to be at the Combined Club from 2pm to register with the actual race starting at 4pm. Of course sponsors are still welcome to ensure as much money is raised as possible, so if you want to volunteer your financial support, you'll find plenty of competitors to back, ready and eager down at the Combined Club before the race.
The Police have been advised of the race and have thrown their 'supports' behind it. They have asked that there be no underhand activities just underpants!
So if you want to see a whole bunch of Port Douglas loonies showcasing their best features then get on down to Macrossan Street about 4pm and bring your cash, this sort of show doesn't come cheap. The whole event has been promoted as a family fun day and there are loads of children running so the organisers are confident it will all be good clean fun and will achieve their goal of raising the maximum amount of money for Sue and her fiance whilst neither of them is working.
Editors Comments: Once again Port Douglas has rallied to the cause in the only way it knows how, full on and fun...I love it, well done the organisers and good luck to the brave runners!