Top 10 fitness trends for 2010
Top 10 fitness trends for 2010
by Sarah McConnell
If you’re ready to get fit in 2010, your first step should be finding a workout program that’s right for you. To help narrow down the search, here’s our take on what the American Council on Exercise predicts will be the top 10 fitness trends for 2010.
1. Cost-conscious workouts
People will be looking for budget-friendly workouts above all else in 2010. Get the best deal by doing your research. Many bigger gym chains offer deals when you first join and a smaller facility might reduce your fees if you ask up front. Make sure you understand all the terms of your gym contract before you sign and if the commitment makes you nervous, ask for the facility’s month-to-month payment options.
2. Group training
Working out with a group is more fun than going it alone, and it also gives you the motivation you need to stick to your plan. “A group setting provides energy, enthusiasm and accountability,” says Sammie Kennedy, creator of the Booty Camp Fitness program with locations across Australia. “Knowing that your instructor and peers expect to see you come out means you’re less likely to skip a session.”
3. Time-efficient workouts
Who has time to spend hours toning, flexing and stretching these days? Most of us have to fit in our workouts whenever we can and if your plan doesn’t mesh with your busy schedule, you probably won’t stick with it.
High-intensity workouts such as boot camps and circuit training will continue to gain popularity in 2010 because they allow you to burn calories and build strength at the same time.
4. Exergaming
Here’s your excuse to try out the Wii system you bought your kids for the holidays: Studies show that working out using fitness video games does burn calories. As games such as Wii Fit and Wii Sport gain in popularity, the prediction is that gyms will start to include the technology in their classes.
5. Boomer-specific programs
People over 45 are recognizing the need to stay active—and the fitness industry is responding with programs tailored to this age group. “Once we pass that magic age of 40, most of us accept that…there is a difference in how our bodies look, move and feel compared to the 20- and 30-year-olds that fill typical fitness facilities,” .
Fitness classes such as the Osteo Pilates are specifically designed to accommodate a number of physical restrictions that tend to develop as our bodies age. “The programs focus on more than just the typical cardio and strength aspects of fitness, to include balance and flexibility training,” “We naturally lose our flexibility and balance as we age, yet these latter two elements of fitness are often ignored in traditional training environments.”
6. Functional strength training
Functional strength training is aimed at strengthening your muscles to better perform everyday movements such as lifting a laundry basket or reaching up to a top shelf—instead of just improving your bench-press skills. Functional Strength training involves movements that mimick everyday activities such as squats and lunges, push ups, pull ups, dips and push ups.
7. Health and fitness awareness
At a time when more than 50% of the Australian population is considered overweight or obese, learning about the benefits of healthy living has never been more important. Read fitness magazines when you can, read health and fitness articles in the newspaper, look up information on the net.
8. Importance of professional credentials
It’s now more important than ever to know that your health and fitness instructor or caregiver has the proper credentials. Not sure if you’re dealing with a professional? Ask your trainer if he or she is a member of Fitness Australia and dieticians should be registered with Dieticians of Australia.
9. Specialty fitness classes
Strap on your dancing shoes and dust off your hula hoop—workouts with a theme will be more popular than ever in 2010. If you love to dance, try Zumba, an aerobic workout that uses Latin dance moves to get you in shape. Those who have always dreamed about running away with the circus should keep an eye out for Jukari Fit to Fly, a program designed by Cirque du Soleil that has participants work out on trapeze harnesses — clown nose optional.
10. Fitness training tools
Applications that help you get fit have turned smartphones into personal trainers. For example, GymGoal for iPhone features animations for 280 exercises, plus calculators to measure your BMI, progress logs and workout schedules. BlackBerry’s Total Fitness lets you track the nutrients you eat each day, features exercises programs tailored to various fitness goals and offers a weekly or monthly report of your progress.
Make fitness part of your life this year with these top 10 fitness trends—and learn how to incorporate them into your life. If you need any advice just call Sarah on 0409 171 221 or email inspirefitness@gotalk.net.au