Discover Asia releases i-brochure
Discover Asia releases i-brochure

Discover Asia has increased its product range by 15% to coincide with the release of its new 2010 interactive i-brochure.
This is the first completely digital brochure for the company, replacing the traditional printed brochure. It includes new tours for Jordan, South Korea and Antarctica, and has been sent to agents this week. Managing director Trevor Lake said the program also features coach touring in the UAE for the first time.
Editors comments: If you want to talk about eco friendly you talk about digital brochures. Not only in Asia but local tourism firm is looking to bring out an electronic brochure board as they believe it is the future. No postage to send brochures, no unnecessary waste and prospective clients can print them out if they want to or simply access them on their smart phones. Want to know more contact: 4099 4540