Cyclone Olga barely blows
Cyclone Olga barely blows

By 5pm yesterday any evidence of Cyclone Olga had disappeared. The Category 1 cyclone hit the coast around 3pm yesterday with no affects on the Mossman or Port Douglas regions.
Surprisingly little rain even followed the Category 1 Cyclone as residents and tourists woke this morning to bright skies.
Port Douglas locals were very disappointed to see this morning's Channel 7 Sunrise reporting the Cyclone brought with it 100 km winds and damaging rain to Port Douglas. This is exactly what the region spends it resources on avoiding, inaccurate weather reporting.
"It is understood that the media like to ramp things up but this is ridiculous" says Josh McConnell from the local online information provider. "We had 10-15 knots at most as the Cyclone crossed the coast"
All tourist operations will be back to work today unless they are unpacking their own Cyclone preparations. "We have had over 30 businesses contact us last night and this morning to let us know they are back to business as normal" says Mr McConnell.