Crocs go under as Mangroves in full fruit
Crocs go under as Mangroves in full fruit

According to our friends David and Tyna White from Solar Whisper Daintree River Tours the big tides and warm water is making the tour operators work hard to find the crocs, but the mangroves look great with the water around the trunks and stilt roots.
The higher elevation gives our cruisers a different perspective because they can see deep into the mysterious forest and get a close look at the epiphytes, (ED Note: That's Elkhorn ferns, Orchids, etc to you and me) and unusual viviparous mangrove fruits, (Ed Note: blimey, another big word, it means they are bearing live young).
Apparently there is still lots of nesting going on with river cruisers seeing the VAzure Kingfisher, Brown-backed Honeyeater, Shining Flycatcher,White-breasted Wood swallow and Yellow-bellied Sunbird to name just a few.
David has asked us to advise our readers and potential visitors that they will be closing for maintenance from the 31st January to the 28th February inclusive. they apologise for any inconvenience but have assured us they return rejuvenated, repaired and back in action from the 1st March.
Editors comments: It's such an exciting time around the Daintree River as the seasons bring their changes. I can't wait for David and Tyna to send their reports again, better yet let's book a trip with them when they get back from their mid- season break...see you up there !