Council to encourage more industrial development
Council to encourage more industrial development

Major changes proposed that will reduce developers’ contributions for the Trunk Contributions Infrastructure Policy (TICP) have been reviewed in a report Council and will be made available for public comment.
Cairns Regional Council has proposed to adopt an amendment to reduce industrial development infrastructure contributions by 66% that will bring the charges below the state average for comparable development.
Mayor Val Schier said the changes support Council’s view to encourage industrial growth across the region. “Under this proposal Cairns’ charges will be set at approximately 75% of the state average and substantially less than those with comparable Councils including Townsville,” Cr Schier said. “For example on the average 5000sqm light industrial development, Council infrastructure charges would be $90,000 less than the state average which is approximately $400,000.”
Proposed changes also include an amendment for applications to reconfigure lots that will be charged on a demand basis.
“This means that if a developer wants to create five lots, he pays the head works fees for five lots only,” Cr Schier said
The proposed resolutions will be available for public comment for four weeks from this coming Monday 25 January. The proposed changes to the TICP documents may be viewed at Council administration offices in Mossman and Cairns and on line at Council’s website.
Editors Comments: Encouraging more industry to use the Cairns region can only be a positive thing for future employment opportunities. Basing our economy on tourism has many pitfalls but shoring it up with manufacturing and commercial services will help the region retain it's destiny firmly in it's own hands, Consolidation and growth without having to rely on third parties can only be a good thing. For example, we have no control or influence on whether Qantas will re-instate a full schedule of flights to Cairns and that directly affects how many visitors can arrive. Much better for tourism to one of the avenues that brings wealth to the area rather than the only one. Comments please....