Valentines Messages of love now on Newsport
Tues 9 Feb
Valentines Messages of love now on Newsport

By Roy Weavers
Why not tell the world how much you love your special person.
Whether it's your wife, husband, partner or maybe even someone who doesn't, yet, know you even exist, this year for St Valentine's Day, Newsport daily is offering all their readers the chance to say "I love you". And what's more, this service of 'lurve' is absolutely FREE.
So if you've got a romantic message for your loved one/s of up to four lines (that's a lot of loving !) then just click on the link below and upload your message. It couldn't be easier ! Go on, make your loved one's day, there's just not enough love in the world but with your help we can spread the word across the globe that Port Douglas knows how to love !
The best message/s as judged by the Editor will receive a FREE bottle of wine to help your St Valentines Day dreams come true.
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