Pink in the tropics petition
Mon 22 Feb
Pink in the tropics petition

By Roy Weavers
At the end of the Undies 500 charity run to assist Sue Polson from the Central Hotel a couple of weeks ago, Cook State MP, Jason O'Brien reminded us all of the campaign. He was keen to draw peoples attention to his determination to get residents in remote areas help with travel expenses to get essential health care.
The e-petition he was promoting on the day of the Undies 500 which was entitled 'The need to increase the Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme accommodation allowance' can be found at: <link typo3 view epetitions_qld external-link-new-window external link in new>
To learn more about Pink in the Tropics, visit their website on
Pink in the Tropics with his backing is campaigning for an increase in the Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme Accommodation Allowance. If you, or someone you know, would benefit from this increase please ensure you log-on to the E-Petition and register your approval.
Pink in the Tropics was formed by a group of women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer and undergone varying treatments. We exchange information and further our education on issues arising from breast cancer diagnosis.
The Objects of the our group are:-
To Inform, Empower and Support women during their Breast Cancer Journey by:-
Providing information gained through our own breast cancer journey, appropriate pamphlets, booklets, publications and websites or by referral to other appropriate agencies.
Empower women to have a voice in their own health care and to play an active role in improving breast cancer treatment, care and services.
Be driven by women who have themselves experienced breast cancer and can offer support through their empathy to others on the breast cancer Journey.
The Aims of the group include providng practical help on where & how to obtain;
Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme
My Journey Kit, My Care Kit, Hopes & Hurdles Pack
Breast support cushions
Headwear & Wigs
Look Good...Feel Better
According to their link attached they are a group of ordinary women going about our lives who meet up occasionally to share knowledge. Our role is not to act in any way as professional counsellors.
Their activities can be as simple as a chat over a cuppa on a variety of practical issues; e.g. travel insurance and how it effects us when asked: "Any pre-existing health conditions? Where & when free workshops are on for looking good feeling better during that temporary 'hairless' time. Where to go and what forms are required for the Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme.
They know how important partners, family, friends, carers are during the journey but, the occasional meeting up with others outside your inner circle, can be beneficial to you the individual.
If you have, at any time in your life, been diagnosed with breast cancer they will welcome you to come along.
To contact Pink in the Tropics Breast Cancer Support Group please phone.
Natalie on 4084 1274 (business hours) or Maria on 4099 1080 (after hours)
For full details just click on the link below