Newsport Keyword Search, ‘Google’ of Port Douglas
Newsport Keyword Search, ‘Google’ of Port Douglas

With the recent Port Douglas and Mossman Community Phone Book being delivered around the area on February 1st , it raises the discussion of what do people rely on these days for access to business information - Traditional Phone Books or New Media Platforms. The answer is BOTH.
The annually produced Gazette Phone book looks great and contains all the local Douglas resident details and many useful business listings and is always useful to keep by the phone or in the car.
These days however more and more directories have moved online allowing consistent updates and increasing ease and speed of locating a particular number if you have access to a computer.
Online directories such as the Newsport SEARCH, similarly to Google offers its users a SEARCH facility incorporating a keyword search to make life easier for people who don't know the full details or full name of the business.
Online directories allow changes on contact details to be made throughout the year. Many businesses are now aware of this and use online directories to avoid losing market position.
The Newsport SEARCH facility also provides any news stories that have been reported on the business on Newsport Daily providing handy activity background for that business.
The Newsport Search has all 2,400 local business entries so if you can't find it on this directory, it doesn't exist !
Just click on the link and give it a try : Port Douglas Business Directory Search
Editors comments: Of course if your business is missing from the directory it means you haven’t given us your details yet. Simply contact us and we’ll put that right - it's FREE.