Mossman-Port Douglas water supply
Mossman-Port Douglas water supply

Cook MP Jason O’Brien said today Queensland Health and the Office of the Water Supply Regulator were working with Cairns Regional Council to help it conduct its proposed chlorine-free drinking water trial in the Mossman-Port Douglas area.
“Local officers and specialists in Queensland Health’s Water Quality Unit have reviewed the council’s draft proposal for the trial,” he said.
“At present there is insufficient information to fully assess the proposal. Further information has been requested, and some suggestions made concerning high-risk facilities such as hospitals, residential care homes, nursing homes, day care centres, and schools.”
Mr O’Brien said Cairns Regional Council is responsible for providing a safe water supply. He said Queensland Health and the Office of the Water Supply Regulator are responsible for ensuring that Council complies with state laws for the provision of safe water supplies.
“Ultimately it is up to council to provide safe water for the residents of Division 10,” he said. “Queensland Health is doing whatever it can to help Cairns Regional Council do that.
“One of the things it is doing is to provide a pathway for the council to conduct its chlorine-free trial".
“But in doing that, residents, especially those in the highest risk groups such as the ill, the old and the frail and babies and young children, must receive the highest guarantee from council that the water supply is safe.”
Editors comments: I wish I could get out of my mind that this is just a way the council has identified to try to shut us up. I sincerely hope this trial is conducted in an appropriate and subjective way. You can call me cynical and distrusting if you like but the track record doesn't let me think any other way...I want my drinkable tap water back.