Council grants support community
Fri 12 Feb
Council grants support community

By Roy Weavers
Council has conferred funds to sport and community organisations across the region, dispersing $282,572 in five categories of funding in the 2009/2010 financial year.
Mayor Val Schier said that the purpose of the grants was to improve the ability of clubs and organisations to meet the needs of the community to provide opportunities of participating in sport, recreation, arts, and culture.
“Clubs are the mainstay of community involvement in so many events and activities,” Cr Schier said.
Chair of Sports, Arts, Culture and Community Services Cr Margaret Cochrane said that Council held organised regular workshops to help in applying for the annual grants.
“At the workshops hosted for community organisations, Council officers give applicants the opportunity to discuss their applications and encourage them throughout the application process,” Cr Cochrane said.
“Sport and Recreation grants were assessed by the Sport and Recreation Reference Group using the grant stream guidelines that form the basis for ranking eligibility of projects. Councillors are presented with this information at a workshop and make the final decision as a group,” Cr Cochrane said.
The remainder of grant applications under other categories are assessed by Councillors against the grants’ selection criteria.
Sport and Recreation grants totalling $71,809 were awarded to 17 clubs and organisations, Community Development grants totalling $59,644 were awarded to 16 groups; Community Organisational Sustainability grants totalling $34,784 were awarded to six groups; Arts and Cultural grants totalling $60,072 were granted to 12 groups and individuals and Community Partnership grants totalling $27,000 were granted to three groups. Individual applicants are listed on Council’s website.