Clean Up Australia Day 2010
Fri 26 Feb
Clean Up Australia Day 2010

2010 marks the 20th anniversary of Clean Up Australia Day and the Rotary Club of Port Douglas Inc and Blue Dive, Port Douglas are hoping to encourage lots of Port Douglas residents and holidaymakers to help them with a clean up of the beach area.
Australia's love for drinks and snacks and beach parties is having a major yet easily avoidable effect on the environment. According to Clean Up Australia's newly released Rubbish Report, bottles and cans and confectionery wrappers are some of the biggest scourges for our environment, figuring in the top 5 list of the most common rubbish items found on Clean Up Australia Day 2009. They finished second, third and fifth respectively to the outright top problem of cigarette butts.
The plan is to meet at 10am on Sunday 7th March in the reception area at the Port Douglas Treetops Resort and Spa, 316 Port Douglas Road. The group will then form up into smaller teams and clear Four Mile Beach and the highway near Mowbray Bridge 'cos rubbish from these locations ends up in the Coral Sea.
This is a registered Clean UP Australia Day event. Everyone is welcome. The Rotary Club of Port Douglas Inc. is providing free BBQ and refreshment after the Clean Up for all participants at 12.30pm.
For more information please contact either Mark Frankel or Kay Stewart 0427 983 907 or email