Darryl Hannah coming to Kuranda

Tue 24 August 2010

Darryl Hannah coming to Kuranda

Hollywood movie star Daryl Hannah is set to visit Kuranda’s Steiner School for a major environment conference in September.

The popular actress and prominent environmentalist has appeared in movies including Blade Runner and the Kill Bill series, and will be the keynote speaker at the 10th Australasian Permaculture Convergence which will attract leading environmentalists and enthusiasts from around the world.

The main topics of discussion will be general sustainable regional solutions to challenges presented by climate change, depleted energy stores and other pressing enviro' issues. Food resources will also be a talking point.

“We are expecting up to 300 guests and the main aim in supplying food for the 11 exciting meals, including the Gala Dinner, is to provide produce from as close to the school as possible, supporting local farmers and reducing important food miles.” Business manager Majella Smith said.

Major General Michael Jeffery, former Governor General of Australia, will speak at the event’s Opening Ceremony on September 24, with other speakers including Permaculture Co-founder Mr Bill Mollison and SBS Television’s Costa Georgiadis, of Costa’s Gardening Odyssey.

Candlenut Steiner school is the only school of its kind in Far North Queensland, and all 130 children at Candlenut participate in the school’s established gardening program, which works with the principles of biodynamics and permaculture.

To find out more about the conference, go to the Australasian Permaculture Convergence website.