Last Call for Business Survey
Mon 12 Apr
Last Call for Business Survey

The Port Douglas Chamber of Commerce distributed a Business Survey back at the beginning of March this year with the intention of collating as much basic information on the average business in Port Douglas as they could.
Every business was strongly encouraged to complete this survey and indeed the Chamber have reported that the response has been very good.
However, at last weeks regular Chamber of Commerce meeting Newsport was asked to put out a last minute call for anyone, who may have filled out the form but has not had it collected or has not taken it to one of the drop off points around town (as listed below) yet, to do so as soon as possible so the analysis can begin.
The Port Douglas Chamber of Commerce fully understands the necessity to maintain confidentiality and that anonymity is of the utmost importance, therefore the actual survey (white) has been separated from the Feedback Detail Form (blue). Two separate collection boxes have been provided at two central locations in Port Douglas.
<link fileadmin content businesses p port_douglas_chamber_of_commerce survey_2010_final.pdf file>Download & Print Business Survey
<link fileadmin content businesses p port_douglas_chamber_of_commerce survey_feedback_details.pdf file>Download & Print Survey Feedback
It only takes 5 minutes to complete this survey and it will give you, the business community, an ideal opportunity to have your say!
The outcome of the survey is intended to provide business owners with basic information on the average business in Port Douglas. It is anticipated the survey will be beneficial for rent review discussions. This survey will also be used by the Port Douglas Chamber of Commerce to determine better ways of assisting businesses in the future.
The survey covers many aspects from business information, business outlook, improvement opportunities, and suggestions you would like to see to beautify Port Douglas.
After you have completed the forms please drop them into either the Newsport / office at 6 Grant St or the Bolt Burchill Tranter office at Shop 2/ 21-23 Warner St.
The results from the survey will only be made available to those businesses who participated in the survey.
Every shop owner/ representative who completes this survey will be eligible for a lucky prize draw to win 2 bottles of wine to the value of $50. The winner will be advised by email after the closing date for the survey.
<link fileadmin content businesses p port_douglas_chamber_of_commerce survey_2010_final.pdf file>Download & Print Business Survey
<link fileadmin content businesses p port_douglas_chamber_of_commerce survey_feedback_details.pdf file>Download & Print Survey Feedback
The Port Douglas Chamber of Commerce representatives responsible for this survey are:- Martin Tranter: Ph 07 4030 4800 and Doug Calvert: 0412 632 691