Great cause for a big cuppa in Port

Wed 21 Apr 

Great cause for a big cuppa in Port

Port Douglas local Benoni Henderson will be having a cuppa to support Cancer Council Queensland's Australia's Biggest Morning Tea in May and is encouraging other locals to follow suit.


Mrs Henderson said this was the fourth year in a row that she has hosted an Australia's Biggest Morning Tea, raising her cup in the fight against cancer.


"This is a good cause that helps so many people and I am proud to lead by example and encourage other supporters in Port Douglas and surrounds to host something too," she said. 


"I support Australia's Biggest Morning Tea because I have lost family and friends to Cancer and see this as my way of honouring their memory and helping others in the fight against Cancer at the same time.”


Regional Fundraising Co-ordinator at Cancer Council Queensland, Lynsie James, said anyone could host an Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea in May, whether it's big or small, and now was the time to start planning and register.


“Everyone enjoys a morning tea so it's really easy to plan something with your friends, family or workmates and help tip the balance in the fight against cancer," she said.  "It’s a lot of fun and together you’ll be making a big difference, because every cup and every dollar counts."


The Official date for Australia's Biggest Morning Tea is around the 26th May but Benoni has made the smart move and will be holding her's a little earlier on May 15th so it doesn't clash with the 10 day fun-packed Port Douglas Carnivale period.


Funds raised from Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea are invested in research, education and patient support programs.  To host your own, register at Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea website, register at or call 1300 65 65 85.


Editors Comments: Whilst we are absolutely delighted to be telling you all about Benoni's fundraising morning tea event, if anyone else is organising something similar, please let us know, send us in your event details and we'll be happy to tell the world about your event too!