Australia cruises to another record
Tue 20 Apr
Australia cruises to another record

Australia’s cruise industry has continued to power onwards and upwards with another record performance in 2009, according to figures from the International Cruise Council Australasia (ICCA). The number of Australians taking a cruise last year rose 11% to 366,721, the fifth consecutive year of double digit growth.
But according to the figures released for market penetration, there is enormous room for growth. The South Pacific remained the most popular destination, accounting for 38% of passengers. ICCA chairman Karen Christensen said the results were pleasing particularly in light of the dire economic conditions. “It seems Australians really hunted for value from their holidays and we’re delighted to report a record number chose to cruise,” she said.
The most significant growth came on NZ-bound cruises, with numbers rising 75% from 20,230 to 35,329. Cruises of between eight and 14 days accounted for 44.9% of the market, while journeys from 15-21 days made up 16.1%.
Editors Comments: We are fortunate to have a full schedule of cruise ships booked throughout this year. However, I get the impression that a small sector of our community see these cruise ships as an inconvenience. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised by that because some people think the Carnivale is an inconvenience. All we have to do is make sure we are offering what our cruise ship visitors want from their day with us and adapt. It's time to stop thinking everyone who comes here has to do things our way. That way doesn't work anymore, it's time to change. You have to ask yourself the question how has Madonna or David Bowie stayed so popular throughout their 50 year music careers - the answer is quite simple they kept re-inventing themselves every few years. It's time for Port Douglas to do the same. We should have a new town motto "Adapt or sink"...Cruise ships, I love 'em!