As Eco-warriors Australia don't make the grade

Tue 27 Apr 

As Eco-warriors Australia don't make the grade

The 2010 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) ranks 163 countries based on 10 indicators of environmental protection, such as levels of air pollution, marine protection laws, water quality, and their rate of planting new trees.


These indicators provide a gauge at a national government scale of how close countries are to established environmental policy goals.  The EPI is composed biannually by a team of environmental experts at Yale University and Columbia University.


The US came in 61st place with a score of 63.5 out of 100, a significant drop from landing in 39th place with an EPI score of 81.0 in 2009.  Iceland led in the ranking with an EPI score of 93.5 (could go down next year if they don't get that pesky volcano under control !).  Switzerland came in second on the list with a score of 89.1, followed by Costa Rica with 86.4 and Sweden with 86.0.


Despite all the rhetoric, (or is it green house gas), from our political leaders Australia came way down the list with an index of just 65.7 out of 100.  It is interesting to see that New Zealand 'kicked our butt' finishing with an index of 73.4.  It is even more interesting, not to say distressing, to note that Australia is on a par with such well known environmental crusaders as Romania (67), Iran (68), Fiji (65.9), The Philippines (65.7) and Morocco (65.6).


Marc Levy, who is one of the EPI project leaders, said that although the year to year results are not strictly comparable due to varying data collection methods, some categories can be compared.   For example, data collected by CIESIN show that the U.S. has been lagging behind European countries in curbing greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution and climate change for the past 20 years, (Ed Note: really, you'd never know, would you?)


"Judging how well a country recycles is extremely complicated, it's not just about recycling but also about managing waste and limiting how much is produced to begin with," Levy said.  "The countries that are really trying to reduce waste are working to change people's behavior so that they use fewer materials," Levy said.


Editors comments: It's time to stop all this incessant waffle about environmental protection and get on with it.  Stop with the hot air coming out of politicians mouths polluting the atmosphere even more and start taking appropriate action to reduce the damage we are doing to our environment.   Perhaps we should ask Costa Rica how it's done?