Artists workshops at Tanks in Cairns
Wed 28 Apr
Artists workshops at Tanks in Cairns

A series of sculpture, craft and painting workshops are being held in conjunction with the ‘Artists of the North’ exhibition being held at The Tanks from 22 May to 12 June 2010.
Now in its sixth year, the ‘Artists of the North’ exhibition and workshops are organised by the Cairns Art Society. All exhibition pieces are also for sale and this year there is a themed section “EnviroArt:EnviroSmart”.
“To tie in with the EnviroArt/EnviroSmart theme, this year many of our workshops use natural materials or use traditional skills that are disappearing,” said Carol Laing, event organizer. All the workshops except the mosaics will be held in Tank 4 surrounded by hundreds of artworks by local artists.
The local artisan with an international reputation, Dominic Johns, will be conducting mosaic workshops from his Shardworks studio. With a background in teaching, Dom is a well respected tutor and enjoys sharing his passion for mosaics.
Enrolments are open for the following workshops by talented local artists:
Mosaics with Dominic Johns from Shardworks Mosaic Studio.
Two-day workshops 22-23 May or 29-30 May.
Concrete Sculpture by Jennie Scott
One-day workshop 22 May and Two-day workshop 7-8 June
Basket weaving with natural materials by Sally Moroney. Sat 29 May 1pm – 4pm.
Watercolour Workshop with Mike Ferris
Sunday 6 June 1pm – 4pm.
Beginners Knitting with Margaret Pollock
Wednesday 26 May 9am – 12noon or Wednesday 26 May 1pm – 4pm
Intro to Reverse Shibori (Japanese tie dyeing technique) with Margaret Pollock
Sunday 30 May 9.30am-12.30pm or Sunday 30 May 1-4pm.
Intro to Fabric Painting using modern materials with Carol Coates - Thu 3 June 9.30am – 12.30pm.
Learn to Crochet with Carol Coates - Thursday 3 June 1pm–4pm.
All workshops will include morning or afternoon tea.
Bookings are essential for workshops. For further information and costs or bookings, contact Carol Laing on 4054 6324.