Community forum on Cairns Port Dredging

Community forum on Cairns Port Dredging


When: 24th September 2014, 6:30 pm start


Where: Cairns Choral Society hall, 31-33 Greenslopes Street, North Cairns.


What: Presentations and panel discussion from tourism and local industry representatives, leading scientists and environmental experts.


Presentations, Q&A, light refreshments provided, free entry.


The forum is an opportunity for the people of Cairns and the Far North to learn more about the risk to the Great Barrier Reef and other potential environmental impacts, the risks for our tourism and fishing industries, the cost to taxpayers and the potential alternatives.


Confirmed speakers include:

Col McKenzie, Executive Officer of the Association of Marine Park Tourism Operators.

Jon Brodie, Chief Research Scientist, Centre for Tropical Water & Aquatic Ecosystem Research at James Cook University.

Felicity Wishart, Great Barrier Reef Campaign Director with the Australian Marine Conservation Society.

Mark Fraenkel, owner/operator of Blue Dive Port Douglas

Mike Friganoitis, MC and panel discussion facilitator.

Josh Coates, Marine Programs Coordinator, CAFNEC


We will see you all there.

Jorg Van Santvliet