B1 and B2 hit Macrossan St

Wednesday 24 October 2012

B1 and B2 hit Macrossan St

It was just another day at the office for Josh Cooper and Fiona Milligan as they donned beer costumes to promote this Saturday's Porttoberfest on the boardwalk at Port Douglas Marina.

Like adult versions of Bananas In Pyjamas, Josh (Beer 1) and Fiona (Beer 2) the pair were well received as they spruiked the event up and down Macrossan Street.

With the sun shining it didn't take long before these beers warmed up, but having handed out fist fulls of fliers their work will no doubt draw a big crowd on Saturday.

Pictured: Josh and Fiona finds two eager visitors keen to hit the boardwalk for Porttoberfest.

Porttoberfest provides free entertainment for those who just want to see what all the fuss is about, while for those who want to sample beers of the world, six bars will offer the amber liquid of eight countries.

Porttoberfest runs from 2am to 9pm.