3000th comment hits The Newsport

Friday 9 March 2012

3000th comment hits The Newsport

Another major milestone has been reached on The Newsport with the 3000th reader comment being made on a daily news article.

That honour went to Susan Keen who added to the discussion on the article 'Appetite for destruction' (Wednesday, 7 March 2012), but the real kudos goes to everyone who has felt compelled to air their thoughts with thousands of other daily readers of The Newsport.

We're proud to provide a platform for healthy discussion on issues that are important to you - the waterfront, immunisation, the removal of the coconut palms, and increasingly our sport articles are just a sample of stories which spring to mind that you've been moved to comment on.

While these discussions are often passionate and debates lively, you've maintained a level of respect that has allowed others to feel confident enough to have their say (well, on the most part).

As you may have noticed, many of our commenters are not residents of the area and hale from all across the country and even across the world. But they share a common love of the region and want to see it prosper as much as any long-time local.

After reaching 8000 subscribers on the weekly Newsport Connect email update just two weeks ago, the 3000th reader comment (not including our Facebook comments) is something to be proud of and shows us you want the ability to be heard.

Want more ways to stay in touch? Follow us on our Facebook page.