Heath eyes pro future

Friday 17 February 2012

Heath eyes pro future

First it was triathlete Nick Carling, now its local golfing champion and sports reporter for The Newsport, Shane Heath, who is heading to the Gold Coast to pursue a professional career in their chosen sport.

Shane (26) who was born and raised in Mossman arrived on the Gold Coast on Wednesday night to start his one-year Diploma in Golf Management through the PGA.

"I'm looking at doing that then hopefully carrying on after that into full PGA status, (turning) pro," Shane said.

"It (the course) is based around golf management so basically how to become a manager of a golf club, managing committees, running the club, and managing events.

"Once the course is finished you've got the option to carry on and work underneath a pro who will hone your game, and do a lot of business management as well."

Shane said his goal is to become a club pro rather than a playing pro.

Hitting off a very respectable handicap of two, Shane said he will have access to training facilities which is likely to see that figure fall even further.

"I'm looking to get that down because we have full coaching and practice down here," he said.

He named Sea Temple Port Douglas as one of his favourite courses, along with Sanctuary Cove and Royal Queensland. 

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