Defend against dengue

Friday 17 February 2012

Defend against dengue

Residents are being reminded to look after their own backyards in the battle to stop the spread of dengue fever.

“It is everyone’s responsibility to defend against dengue,” Mayor Val Schier said.

“We all need to be vigilant and that means making sure we tip out any water that is gathering and around our homes and wearing insect repellent during the day."

Dengue mosquitoes are active during the day, rather than the evening like other mozzies and they can breed in the smallest amounts of water.

“Dengue mozzies like to hide out under the couch, bed or behind curtains, anywhere dark,so use a surface spray in these areas," Cr Schier said.

“It is possible to stop the spread of dengue before it starts if we all follow these simple steps.”

Symptoms of dengue fever include:

  • sudden onset of fever (lasting three to seven days)
  • intense headache (especially behind the eyes)
  • muscle and joint pain (ankles, knees and elbows)
  • unpleasant metallic taste in mouth, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain
  • flushed skin on face and neck, fine skin rash as fever subsides
  • rash on arms and legs, severe itching, peeling of skin and hair loss
  • minor bleeding (nose or gums) and heavy menstrual periods
  • extreme fatigue

Symptoms are most commonly seen in adults and older children whereas young children may show no symptoms at all.  

Anyone exhibiting symptoms of dengue fever should contact their GP immediately. 

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