Undies 500 draws big crowd

Undies 500 draws big crowd

More than 30 people entered the Port Douglas 'Undies 500' on Sunday to lend their support for Sue Polson, a long time local and Central Hotel employee who was diagnosed with suffering from an aggressive brain tumour just before Christmas.

These thirty participants under the watchful eyes of the local police stripped to their knickers and started from the Combined Club, ran through the park passed St Mary's by the Sea onto Stinger Park, out into the main street down to Coconut Grove and back up Macrossan Street to finish at the Central Hotel where they gratefully redressed and had a well earned cold drink.

Adrian Taylor, dressed in Super Man boxing shorts became the inaugural race winner but Michael Foley and George got well into the spirit of the race by taking the honours for most innovative costume. Both Michael sporting boxing gloves and his boxer dog, George (who's really a girl !) ran in boxer shorts as "Two boxers in boxers".

New girls in town Elle and the Steph from Paddy's Bar ran as a three legged race or was it four legged race since there was three of them...whatever it was a splendid effort on their part. Freshly returned long time local Rod Davis showcased his ultra fit body.

Of course Rod is a veteran of running around town in his underpants having made a previous spectacle of himself in a Radio Port Douglas race some years ago and after this attempt he assures us the run doesn't get any easier but wearing the underpants in public was fine ! Helen, Manager of the Central Hotel sported very fetching 19th Century undergarments which had the pulses of the older members of the cheering crowd racing.

Probably star of the show was our very own State MP, Jason O'Brien, who naturally ran to support Sue and her immediate good cause but this 'briefs' run was also part of his campaign to 'draws' peoples attention to his efforts to get residents in remote areas help with travel expenses to get essential health care. The e-petition he was promoting yesterday, entitled 'The need to increase the Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme accommodation allowance' can be found at: www.parliament.qld.gov.au/view/EPetitions_QLD/CurrentEPetitions.aspx?LIndex=1
To learn more about Pink in the Tropics, visit their website on www.pinkinthetropics.org

Editors comments:
We haven't yet been advised of the total raised for Sue during Undies 500 but some of the fund raising stories being chatted about suggest that it will be a very useful amount to help her and her partner during this difficult time. Well done the runners, Port Douglas residents and the race organisers and well done Jason for bringing Pink in the Tropics to our attention.