Security sighting for Obama visit

Tue 16 Feb 

Security sighting for Obama visit

It seems that the highly publicised visit by President Obama and his family to Port Douglas is looking more likely than ever. 


How can you be sure, we here you cry ? 


Well yesterday evening down at the Meridien Marina, our super reporter discovered a superscoop on board the super Great Barrier Reef tour boat Wavelength.  And we think when you check out the photograph attached you will agree that there can only be one reason why the ultimate superhero, Superman would be in Port. 


Obviously Superman is the only man that President Obama trusts with checking out his preferred holiday destination.  Who better to trust with your life than Superman, it's just a shame he doesn't have a big enough expense account to have more than one super suit so he has to do his own washing to get it dry for the next day.  But well done wavelength for coming to his rescue and providing accommodation and washing facilities. 


Hail to the Chief...